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Cultivation of New Dynamics, Development of New Industries, WoolandWorld World Online Star Town in Wuqing Development Zone Officially Launched

 Cultivation of New Dynamics, Development of New Industries, WoolandWorld World Online Star Town in Wuqing Development Zone Officially Launched(图1)

Cultivation of New Dynamics, Development of New Industries, WoolandWorld World Online Star Town in Wuqing Development Zone Officially Launched(图2)

Cultivation of New Dynamics, Development of New Industries, WoolandWorld World Online Star Town in Wuqing Development Zone Officially Launched(图3)

  It was attended by Zhao Weisheng,chief of the District Marketing Bureau,Xu Huisong,deputy director in the Propaganda Department of the District Commission,Guo Junli,deputy chief of the District Commerce Bureau,Li Fuguo,General Manager of Wuqing Development Zone Head Corporation,around a hundred of entrepreneurial representatives and over 30 online star representatives.

Cultivation of New Dynamics, Development of New Industries, WoolandWorld World Online Star Town in Wuqing Development Zone Officially Launched(图4)

  In his address,Li Fuguo pointed out that Wuqing Development Zone,a window of reform and open-up in Wuqing and a bellwether in guiding innovation,propelling transformation and countenancing development,was actively wrestling for the opportunities for coordinated development and promoting high-quality development in recent years and was honored the most appealing hot land for investment between Beijing and Tianjin by loads of investors.This initiation ceremony is to be taken as an opportunity to continue to provide the maximum degree of backup policies to companies,congregate the most advantageous industrial resources,appeal to the most competitive talents of the field,forge an intact industrial ecological chain,guide industrial transformation and upgrading and add impetus to speedy economic development in Wuqing.

Cultivation of New Dynamics, Development of New Industries, WoolandWorld World Online Star Town in Wuqing Development Zone Officially Launched(图5)

  In the ceremony,Wuqing Development Zone Head Corporation entered into strategic partnership treaty respectively with Beijing Aole Yunli Sports Culture Co.,Ltd.and National Community Sports Games Organizing Committee and conferred trophies to over 10 strategic partners.

Cultivation of New Dynamics, Development of New Industries, WoolandWorld World Online Star Town in Wuqing Development Zone Officially Launched(图6)

  Then,in the round-table forum for internet live streaming industry development,corporate representatives went deep into discussion on‘how companies seek for transformation and breakthrough under the clout of online star economy’and shared front-edge information on upstream and downstream industry chain of online star economy.They contributed their proposals to propel brick-and-mortar industry empowered by online star economy.After the convention,corporate representatives made a field observation in internet live streaming industry carrier in Wuqing Development Zone.

  WoolandWorld Program co-launched by Beijing Aole Yunli Sports Culture Co.,Ltd.and Shanghai Maido Culture Media Co.,Ltd.is aimed at building an online star economy town with industrial appeal and regional clout.Wuqing Development Zone is to adhere to the mainline of‘innovation-driven transformation and upgrading’to further cultivate innovation-propelled new dynamics and emphatically advance accelerated congregation and expansion of internet live streaming industry in Wuqing.

Cultivation of New Dynamics, Development of New Industries, WoolandWorld World Online Star Town in Wuqing Development Zone Officially Launched(图7)


Release Time:2020-10-20 16:22:33